Uncategorised · 2019

Atropos, the dress for the goddess of fate and doom

Updated traditional folk costume as a reaction to the recurring period of growing nationalism, precarious work and corporate power inspired by the triangle “Work — Earning – Housing”, created by the Roma Integration Society in Eastern Slovakia, which seems to encounter the misconception that the non-working person is , is not entitled to housing and therefore not to a dignified life.

Of the whole costume, only the original work apron from the Važec region in Slovakia, which was a well-maintained resort of traditional culture during the socialist period, shows the current Czech and Slovak position in the field of migration policy and humanitarian aid.

The privatization scandals of the 1990s in the new global context of Greek bankruptcy, the connection of the richest people in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, are depicted on a bathrobe produced in Slovakia in the 1970s.

The skirt, made in China, is a kind of recorder of the time, it does not carry original themes symbolizing mostly fertility and wealth in the form of floral and animal motifs, but recent events that shook society such as far right political party, hired assassination of investigative journalist, workplace collapse, chemical infested country, fraud with Eurofunds, expulsion of the last squat, etc.

A new part of the costume is the reinforcement and support of the torso, head, right shoulder, hand and thumb needed for monotonous work, for example behind an assembly line or behind a computer. Container for 10 types of the most used drugs in Germany and Slovakia seems to deliver drugs directly into the mouth. Instead of the decorative necklace made of fake pearls that was worn with the original costume, the new costume has scissors with which Athropos decides on the life of each mortal.

The costume was originally made for a performance at the Arbeit, arbeit, arbeit by Alice Creischer at the Wedding Gallery, Berlin, 2019 and is part of the ensemble about three judges Athropos, Lachesis and Klotho.

The project is ongoing.

Galerie Wedding